Dr. Sam Tutoring School(NZ est 2007)
Our Students Got
7's in IB,
A*'s in CAIE,
E's in NCEA,
Medals in IMO/AMC/ICAS
800's SAT Maths and Physicis
Offers from Top UK & USA Universities
The Man Who Can Make Hard Things Easy Is The Educator
--------R. W. Emerson
Schedule a Tutoring Session today!
(0064)021-2619397 wechat/whatsapp
Angela (dio, HL math 6, phy 7, top IB of the school, nz institute of phy award, & other awards)
Michael (st. kern, his portfolio got the highest mark of the class,math grade improved to 5 within two months) -
Raymond (kristin, HL math 6, phy 6)
Ada (aic, math 7, got many offers from UK and CA universities)
Cassey(aic), offer from UC berkeley
Bella(aic math 6, offer from swiss)
Scott(aic), offer from UK
victor(aic), offer from USA
AS Henry(AGS,100%),David(AGS,A),Jason(ACG,A)
A-level PAUL(AGS,A*),Christina(Macleans,A),Bill(Macleans,A)
Mike(AGS,B),Andrew(AGS,B),Kenneth(AGS,B), Matthew(Macleans,A)
- AS Henry(AGS,100%), David(AGS,A), Jason(ACG,A)
A-level PAUL(AGS,A*),Christina(Macleans,A),Bill(Macleans,A)
Mike(AGS,B),Andrew(AGS,B),Kenneth(AGS,B), Matthew(Macleans,A)
Australian maths Cometition
Joon (macleans, yr10 Prize Winner),
Jamsine (macleans, yr9 High distinction)
louisa(lynfield, yr13, Distinction)
Helen(aic, yr 12 distinction)
victor (kings, yr8,high distinction),
Henry (bbi, yr8,high distinction),
nic(kings, yr8)
Gen (kristin, distinction)
kitty(ani, yr8, distinction),
Jessie(yr8, distinction)
National Bank Junior Competition
Joon (macleans, yr10, top 30 in new zealand)
Joon (yr 10 1st in auckland)
jasmine(yr9 3rd in auckland)
henry(yr8, 2nd auckland)