Dr. Sam Tutoring School(NZ est 2007)
Our Students Got
7's in IB,
A*'s in CAIE,
E's in NCEA,
Medals in IMO/AMC/ICAS
800's SAT Maths and Physicis
Offers from Top UK & USA Universities
The Man Who Can Make Hard Things Easy Is The Educator
--------R. W. Emerson
Schedule a Tutoring Session today!
(0064)021-2619397 wechat/whatsapp
Math Camp-
Jasmine, Lily and Anran (totally 24 students selected from the Whole Country)
congratulations! vic (king's yr 9) 2nd in Mathex competition!!
Junior maths competition
Henry,macleans, Top 3 all new zealand year 9 students!
Ralph--(IB,aic,higher level math) offer from Oxford,
shawn and Susan (IB, aic, standard level maths) (Univ College London),
other offer from ucla, u of washington, ucsd.
* Yafu-(NECA) Mount Holyoake College(top of the "7 sisters" in usa)