Dr. Sam Tutoring School(NZ est 2007)
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7's in IB,
A*'s in CAIE,
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800's SAT Maths and Physicis
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The Man Who Can Make Hard Things Easy Is The Educator
--------R. W. Emerson
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Canada Lynx competition---Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)
Date and Time:
Sep 29th(Friday), 2023, 19:00-20:30(NZ) 17:00-18:30(AUSTRALIAN ONE PAPER for ALL Grades)
Student Eligibility:
A full-time student in school (primary, secondary) in New Zealand or Australia and below 19 years of age as of June 30th,2023.
Competition Format:
Online at home, students use:
[1] a computer or tablet to answer the questions via online testing system,
[2] another phone or tablet device to dial in a Zoom meeting for teacher to proctor.
When taking the exam, you’ll be recorded, and the proctor will monitor you by video and audio. Monitoring includes your face, voice, and the room where you are seated during the exam.
Registration Fee(nonrefundable): NZD(AUD) $60 per student
ASB: 12-3016-0008190-00 reference: CLMC+student's Last and First name
please upload the screenshot of the payment (Last question of the registration form )
Deadline: 10:00pm Sep 25th,2023
Competition Structure:90 minutes examination with 15 multiple choice questions(ONE PAPER for ALL Grades) that covers the contents of G7-11 mathematics. Five questions with 4 points, five questions with 5 points and five questions with 7 points. The full score is 80 points.
Awards: Among international participants, the following awards are issued(by grade divisions and in the whole international Division:
Gold,Silver and Bronze Awards-who achieve the top three unique scores respectively.
Honourable Mention---who achieve the 4th to 6th highest scores.
Also there are awards based on the performance of all the participants:
Performance with distinction--participants in the 1st quartile.
Performance with Honour--participants in the 2nd quartile
Inquiries: 0064212619397 in WeChat OR Discord drsamsun OR
CMS reserves the right of final explanation
Thanks Dr Yao Magic Square Association